Got an everything file?

An everything file is a cheat sheet for your loved ones, just in case.

What if something unexpected happened to you today?

Do your loved ones know how to find your important information? Care for your kids or pets? Handle your responsibilities? Do they know your medical preferences and wishes?Don’t burden them with guessing, gift them with a cheat sheet.Make an everything file.

Your everything file is a gift to your loved ones.

Want to make your own? Not sure where to start?

Use my printable checklist & notes


Click below to get my free PDF checklist & notes.


Complete the list items. Save in a safe spot—your everything file!


Tell a trusted loved one where to find your everything file.

Your email address is not required.

Everything File Quick Start Checklist


Are you an estate attorney?
No, I’m not an attorney or financial professional. I’m just a regular person who spent months researching this topic for our family. None of what I say is legal or financial advice. And your situation may be different, so do your own research.
If you're not an expert, why make your own checklist?
End-of-life planning is confusing and overwhelming (was to me anyway) so I think a lot of us avoid it. In my research, I encountered some very sad stories from broken families because deceased loved ones didn’t have things in order. If my notes help even one family, it's a win.
Is an everything file a legal document?
No. However, it'll be helpful if you need legal documents (will, trust, living will, etc.) because your information will already be gathered and organized.
Is this a fill-in-the-blank printable?
No. The printable is a simple to-do checklist with my notes and some resources. Just grab a blank piece of paper or open a doc on your computer and write. Either way, pick a safe yet accessible spot to save it.
What's the catch? Why don't you ask for my email address like everyone else?
No catch. If you think it's worthwhile though, I would appreciate it if you tell others about Thanks!

Not legal or financial advice. For educational purposes only. Always do your own research. | Contact